Welcome to the
Golden Valley Lodge, #616
We are a local lodge of the Vasa Order of America, a Fraternal Society originally established for the benefit of Swedish immigrants a century ago, but now dedicated to preserving and sharing our Scandinavian culture and heritage.
Golden Valley Lodge was formed in 1946 and draws members from the San Fernando Valley area and all of Southern California. We welcome members and guests of all ages to our monthly meetings and wonderful cultural programs.
This membership lodge offers opportunities to socialize with fellow members of Nordic heritage sharing common history and interests. Typical special events for Golden Valley Lodge are held in February (Pea Soup & Pancake Supper), June (Midsommarfest, Queen Pageant, Folk Dancing & Swedish Summer Dinner), and December (Luciafest, Pageant, and Smögåsbord).
Our lodge also awards a college scholarship to a student of Nordic descent. There are many different scholarships for college, language camp, and elderhostel offered in the District and Grand Lodge levels of our organization as well. You must be a lodge member at least one year prior to any applications.
Membership is open to men and women over 14 years of age of Nordic roots, (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish or Icelandic,) and their spouses who would like to rediscover the traditions of their forefathers; and those who are not of Nordic ancestry but are committed to the promotion and advancement of Swedish and Nordic heritage and culture. Membership Application (Send to current secretary – see contact page)